Simon Baron-Cohen’s Fantastically False Article on Radical Behavior: An Example of Valid, but False Premises

Der Cousin von „Borat“ ist ein relativ bekannter britischer Psychologe. Seine Vorstellungen vom radikalen Behaviorismus scheinen aber so absurd zu sein, dass man meint, sein berühmterer Verwandter stecke dahinter. Hier eine sehr gelungene Replik an Borats Cousin.

The Skeptical Advisor

In the information age it seems that every fact is at our fingertips. Simply googling a topic can lead every person to a multitude of different sources on that topic. However, rational skepticism is a must, if any information we find is to be trusted. This is no less true when information comes from supposed intellectuals speaking on areas that they do not directly contribute to.

A wonderful example of this is the recent article published in the Edge[1] by Simon Baron-Cohen[2]. Simon Baron-Cohen is a psychologist at the Autism Research Center at Cambridge University. In the section titled 2014: What Scientific Idea is Ready for Retirement Baron-Cohen suggests that radical behaviorism should be retired. Based solely on his position and place of work Baron-Cohen would seem, to many people, to be a reputable authority in this area. Unfortunately for Mr. Baron-Cohen and those who would…

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